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A week ago, profiled ECRY.OB. And it moved up nicely in the next two days.
Then something went horribly wrong, and it came crashing down to the same level it was when it was profiled.
Was this a bad thing? Perhaps. I mean everyone that bought on that alert had a chance to make money...good money, fast. (Isn't that the best type?) Should it have kept going up? Unequivocally, yes!
But it didn't. Reasons? Could be shorters, could be people that were holding from the last promotion and waiting for liquidity. Could be one shareholder with a big block that couldn't wait. Could be a number of things. Truth is, it doesn't matter why. A better question, is what should be done about it.
ECRY promoters, if you're listening, here's what you should do. First, let shareholders know that if they missed the first round of promotion, that this is a good time to get in...and for those who bought too high, this is a good time to average down.
Second, make damn sure there is Round 2 and preferably even Round 3 to the promotion. It makes no sense to do these hit and run shows. What makes sense is to continue the story once you start to tell it.
Shareholders, here's what you should do. First, call the investor relations line and let them know you're shareholders. Loud shareholders often prompt companies and promoters to get back to work enhancing shareholder value (that's what they're there for, remember?)
Second, if you own the stock, look at averaging down. I don't think this one is heading to the garbage heap. Its got too much going for it, including a kick butt technology whose time really has come, and a TV ad campaign.
Think on it.
Ok, thats my rant for the day.
What a month for Eternal Image, it had only profit in the recent times, the tie-u with 140 year old legend Root Candles is already paying off as the company had a 46% gainer yesterday and this is the second day in a row of over 22% that’s almost 50 % in the last 2 days, the company can be a top gainer for years together!
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